
raftfahrzeugbundesamt investigates Audi AG on suspicion of a violation of the Product Safety Act for the Models A6, Q7 and Q6 Uncategorized

Audi AG: Federal Motor Transport Authority identified

Audi AG: Problems with the Audi A6, Q7 and Q8 models with 3.0 diesel engines

Munich, 21.06.2019. Once again, Audi AG, based in Ingolstadt, is in trouble. This time it concerns vehicles of the 2019 model year with the well-known 3.0 litre diesel engine 50 TDI (286 hp). Since June 2019, the A6, Q7 and Q8 models are no longer available with the 50 TDI engine (model year 2019). The background is likely to be investigations by the Federal Motor Transport Authority on suspicion of a violation of the Product Safety Act.

As became known for the models A6, Q7 and Q8, the drive units installed there in the low-speed driving range not only have a significant diesel nailing, but also lead to a pronounced travel delay in the low-speed area (turbo hole). significant safety-related problems in road transport.

You are the owner of a

  • Audi A6 with 3.0 diesel engine (50 TDI)
  • Audi Q7 with 3.0 diesel engine (50 TDI)
  • Audi Q8 with 3.0 diesel engine (50 TDI),

then contact the law firm HML Holtz or write an e-mail to

Photo by Andreas Lischka on Pixabay


Workers ‘ Rights: Bavarian regional parliament Increases Pressure on…

In March, the magazin Kontrovers reported on the Work Situation at the European Patent Office in Munich. The Climate between Employees and the top patent office is under heavy strain. The Supervisory body, made up of Representatives of the 38 EU Member States, has now intervened and the State Parliament has also made the Research a Topic.
From 1:08 Report on pressure at the European Patent Office in Munich

Liberal Middle Class fears Patent flood & lack of…

Bavaria (23.03.20189 The State Candidate and Chairman of the Liberal Mittelstand business Association in Bavaria is concerned about the huge Increase in patents. Year after year, for example, the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich sets new Records in the Number of Decrees, regularly with double-digit Growth Rates compared to the Previous year. Registration Figures are by no Rate growing in The same Proportion. Read more “Liberal Middle Class fears Patent flood & lack of Quality”


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An Article by Glyn Moody from 2 March 2016 from about the European Patent Organisation’s Dealings with Employees.